Wednesday 14 December 2011

Busy, busy

It's been a busy few days. After my first post I wandered down my street and saw for myself that there is in fact a zombie apocalypse in full effect. Actually, based on the news reports its localized to Lindsay and surrounding area so it's not an apocalypse... more of an epidemic I suppose.

Barricaded all the windows and doors, moved the family to the second floor of the house, and built a solid barricade on the staircase between the two floors. Serviced and loaded my two shotguns, and my small .22 game rifle. 86 rounds for the .22, and 47 shells of 12 gage. Not much to work with, but it will do for now. Had the talk with the kids about whats going on, and covered firearm safety. They aren't as scared as I thought they would be.

I spend a lot of my time on my roof. Chimney service hatch has come in very handy now. First few days there was a lot of chaos in town. Car horns, gun shots, screams, sirens, smoke from burning structures. Fortunately none of the fires knocked out our hydro. As luck would have it at the moment, we still have water and hydro. Now, silence. Not very many walkers on my street yet. Most that I have seen are making their way towards where all the noise was coming from.

My wife and I had a discussion last night about what we should do. Should we hold up here at home like we have so far. Should be go to higher ground like an apartment building or should we make a run for town limits. Now, lets think about this for a moment. An apartment building. Seems like a good idea at first, right. But the next time your in an apartment have a look around. Look at the people that make up your neighbors, your fellow tenants and ask yourself, is that person a zombie survivor? If not, there is only one other option now isn't there. Apartment buildings are extremely dangerous. Close quarters, tight spaces, dead ends and way too many potential zombies. Apartments are definitely on my "avoid" list.

The local radio station is broadcasting that the affected area has been sealed off and completely surrounded by the Canadian Armed forces. Their orders are to contain this epidemic at all costs. Furthermore any survivors are warned not to attempt leaving town limits. Anyone, or anything seen approaching the quarantine line will be fired upon without warning. That simplifies the decision on what to do doesn't it. Apparently the RCAF had deployed troops to quarantine the hospital a couple weeks ago. Last week prior to all contact with those troops being lost, they reported that they were engaging a violent crowd.

Thursday 8 December 2011

Zombies, really?

As I listened to the local radio station this snowy morning to find out if my kids school bus had been cancelled the radio announcer stated that the recent strange events in the area are the result of a very real zombie infection. As I listened to these words, I thought to myself. "Zombies? Really?" 

It is difficult to believe. Trust me, I know. I have been a fan of the zombies genre for as long as I can remember. George Romero classic films, Resident evil games and movies, Call of Duty zombies, but I now know that zombies are quite real. 

 Now, let me first say that I live in a small town in north southern Ontario named Lindsay. It is in fact the heart of the amalgamated city of Kawartha Lakes, but local growth is deliberately limited by town council. Needless to say there isn't a whole lot of local news here. It is common place for front page news to report the mundane of daily life in these parts. 

A couple of weeks ago, some very unusual occurrences were getting all the local media attention. Bodies were reported stolen from the local funeral home, unexplained vehicle crashes and the drivers were missing. An explosion of missing persons reports. Then last week my kids school bus crashed into the Remax office building. Other then some bumps and bruises they, along with most others were okay. Then a couple of days later my wife who works at one of the local hair salons, a hub for gossip and rumours comes home with some disturbing news. Though she is not much for gossip she heard that the Firefighters who first arrived at the scene found the bus driver in a violent rage trying to "bite" some of the children and then attacked one of the Firefighters. 

As I look out my window this morning at the fluffy white snow gently falling I think to myself "Zombies? Really?".